Live chat for ecommerce.

Live Chat for Ecommerce: 12 Best Platforms to Boost Customer Satisfaction and Sales

With the growing demand for better customer experiences, pleasing customers becomes increasingly challenging without automation software.

That’s where live chat for ecommerce comes in. 

One of the most effective ways to achieve the customer satisfaction your business needs is by integrating ecommerce chat software into your online store.

Live chat not only enhances customer support, but also boosts engagement, increases conversion rates, and builds customer loyalty. This makes it essential for online businesses looking to improve their communications.

In this article, we will explore the 12 best ecommerce chat solutions, helping you find the perfect tool to drive your business to success.

What Is Live Chat for Ecommerce?

Ecommerce live chat software is a chat support tool that lets you communicate with website visitors in real-time. 

It is typically embedded as a chat widget, appearing as a pop-up window or chat button on the website. This feature allows customers to initiate conversations with customer support agents swiftly.

Automating this aspect of customer communication allows your customer support team to efficiently organize queries and ensure all are answered promptly.

Beyond real-time customer support, live chat software also offers valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences. By monitoring the types of questions and concerns raised, companies can identify areas for improvement in their products and services, ultimately leading to a better overall shopping experience.

Key Features of an Effective Live Chat Tool for Ecommerce

Here are key features to consider when choosing the best ecommerce live chat software for your business:

  • AI-powered chatbot integration:

An essential feature of any modern live chat tool is the integration of AI-powered chatbots. These chatbots can handle routine inquiries, guide users to relevant knowledge bases, and escalate complex issues to human agents.  

  •  Proactive messaging:

Effective live chat tools should offer proactive messaging capabilities. This feature allows businesses to engage visitors based on their behavior, such as spending an extended period on a product page or abandoning a shopping cart. 

Proactive messages can help convert hesitant visitors into customers by offering assistance, discounts, or personalized recommendations at critical moments in the customer journey.

  • Integration capabilities:

The right e-commerce live chat tool should seamlessly integrate with other systems such as CRM platforms, help desks, and ecommerce platforms. This integration ensures that all customer interactions are unified across different channels, providing a cohesive view of the customer journey.

  •  Customizable chat widgets:

Customization options for chat widgets are vital for maintaining brand consistency and providing a personalized customer experience. Businesses should be able to customize the appearance of their chat widgets, including colors, logos, and greetings, to align with their branding. This makes the chat interface more inviting and professional.

  • Real-time analytics and reporting:

Real-time analytics and reporting capabilities are crucial for monitoring the performance of customer support operations. These features provide insights into key live chat metrics such as response times, customer satisfaction scores, chat volume, and agent performance. Real-time data helps in identifying areas for improvement and ensuring that the live chat support team is meeting its goals effectively.

The 12 Best Ecommerce Chat Tools

There are countless live chat solutions for ecommerce businesses, but only a select few stand out from the competition.

Let’s take a look at 12 platforms with the best live chat for ecommerce:

1. Social Intents – Ecommerce live chat tool with Slack and MS Teams integration 

Social intents live chat for ecommerce

Social Intents has one of the best all-in-one live chat tools for ecommerce platforms.  

It offers a powerful live chat solution, tailored to ecommerce businesses, that integrates seamlessly with popular messaging platforms like Microsoft Teams, Slack, Zoom, and Webex. 

This flexibility allows businesses to manage customer interactions directly from the tools they already use, eliminating the need for additional software and reducing context switching.


  • Real-time customer engagement:

Social Intents enables businesses to interact with website visitors in real-time, providing immediate assistance and resolving customer queries swiftly.

  • AI-powered chatbots:

The platform includes advanced AI chatbots powered by ChatGPT and Google’s Dialogflow. These can handle common customer inquiries, automate lead generation, and escalate complex issues to human agents when necessary. 

  • Customization options:

The live chat widget can be fully customized to match the brand’s look and feel, including colors, logos, and text. 

  • Proactive chat invites:

Social Intents allows businesses to set up proactive chat invitations based on predefined rules and triggers. This feature can engage visitors at critical moments, such as when they are lingering on a product page, increasing the chances of conversion.

  • Integration with existing tools:

Social Intents supports integration with a variety of third-party applications, including CRMs, ticketing systems, and marketing platforms through Zapier. This makes it easy to streamline workflows and ensure that customer data is seamlessly integrated into existing business processes.

  • File sharing and auto-translation:

Social Intents supports file sharing within chat sessions, enabling customers to send and receive documents directly. Additionally, the auto-translation feature allows businesses to provide support in multiple languages, enhancing accessibility for a global customer base.


Plans start at $39/month

2. Kindly – Ecommerce live chat tool with a virtual assistant

Kindly website

Kindly is a comprehensive suite of AI-powered tools designed to enhance live chat functionality for ecommerce businesses.

The platform is focused on providing automated customer interactions that are both efficient and user-friendly.


  • Conversational AI: 

Kindly uses advanced conversational AI to engage with customers in a natural, human-like manner. This feature helps provide a more personalized customer experience.

  • Multilingual capabilities:

Kindly supports over 100 languages, automatically detecting and switching languages as needed. 

  • Integration with other platforms:

Kindly integrates seamlessly with various platforms such as Facebook Messenger, Zendesk, Hubspot, and more. 

  • Personalized recommendations:

The AI chatbots can proactively offer products, features, and services based on user behavior and preferences.


Custom pricing upon request.

3. Gorgias – Ecommerce live chat tool with help desk software

Gorgias website

Gorgias is a help desk solution for ecommerce platforms, providing a suite of tools to manage customer support across multiple channels.  


  • Unified support inbox:

Gorgias consolidates customer support requests from various channels – including live chat, email, social media, and SMS – into a single, organized inbox. 

  • Ecommerce integration capabilities:

Gorgias integrates seamlessly with major ecommerce platforms like Shopify, Magento, and BigCommerce. This allows live chat support agents to access order details, update orders, process refunds, and manage stock directly from the help desk.

  • Automation features:

Gorgias offers several automation features, including auto-responders, ticket assignment rules, and canned responses.


Plans start at $10/month.

4. Chatra – Ecommerce live chat tool with a simple user interface

Chatra website

Chatra is a reliable and user-friendly live chat solution, ideal for small businesses looking to enhance their customer support and engagement.


  • Multichannel support:

Chatra supports multiple communication channels, including email, Facebook Messenger, and Instagram, all from a single interface.

  • Agent productivity tools:

The platform includes features designed to enhance agent productivity, such as saved replies, chat notes, invisible mode, and team chats.

  • Analytics and reporting:

Chatra offers robust analytics and reporting tools that provide insights into chat performance, customer satisfaction, and agent efficiency. 


Plans start at $21/month.

5. Tidio – Ecommerce live chat tool for small budgets

Tidio website

Tidio is a comprehensive customer service platform designed to enhance live chat interactions and streamline customer support for ecommerce businesses.


  • Canned responses and typing preview:

Tidio includes features like canned responses for common questions and typing preview, which allows live chat agents to see what visitors are typing before they send their messages. 

  • Ticketing system:

Tidio’s ticketing system transforms chat conversations and emails into support tickets. This helps track, tag, and prioritize customer issues.

  • Customizable chat widget:

The chat widget is highly customizable, allowing businesses to match it with their brand’s look.


Plans start at $29/month.

6. LiveChat – Ecommerce live chat tool with seamless multi-channel integration 

LiveChat website

LiveChat is a comprehensive live chat and customer service platform designed to improve customer satisfaction and streamline support operations for businesses of all sizes.


  • File sharing:

LiveChat supports file sharing and rich messaging, allowing agents to send images, documents, and interactive messages directly through the chat interface.

  • Advanced reporting and analytics:

The platform provides comprehensive analytics and reporting tools to track key live chat metrics such as chat volume, response times, and customer satisfaction. 

  • Integration with other tools:

LiveChat integrates with over 200 platforms, including CRM systems, ecommerce platforms, help desks, and email marketing tools. 


Plans start at $20/month.

7. Intercom – Live chat software for larger businesses

Intercom website

Intercom is a customer communication platform designed to enhance live chat and overall customer service for businesses. 


  • AI and automation:

Intercom includes powerful AI chatbots, such as the Resolution Bot, which can automatically resolve common customer issues by providing relevant answers based on what the customer is typing.

  • Multi-channel support:

Intercom supports various communication channels, including email, social media, and SMS, all integrated into a single platform.

  • Self-serve support:

Intercom offers self-serve support options through its customizable bots and help center integration.


Plans start at $39/month.

8. LiveAgent – Best ecommerce live chat software for tracking metrics

LiveAgent website

LiveAgent is a versatile help desk and live chat software designed to improve customer interactions and live chat support.


  • Proactive chat invitations:

This feature allows any ecommerce business to proactively reach out to visitors browsing their website. 

  • Visitor tracking

LiveAgent offers tracking of live chat transcripts, including visitor behavior and engagement metrics, which can be integrated with Google Analytics for deeper insights​. 

  • Internal chat:

The internal chat feature enables live chat support agents to communicate with each other without leaving the LiveAgent dashboard.


Plans start at $9/month.

9. – Ecommerce live chat solutions for start-ups website is a comprehensive free-to-use live chat and messaging platform.


  • Ticketing system:

In addition to live chat, includes a ticketing system that captures and manages customer inquiries and issues. This system allows for categorization, prioritization, and assignment of tickets, ensuring efficient follow-up and resolution.

  • Mobile and desktop apps: offers mobile and desktop applications for iOS, Android, Windows, and Mac OSX.

  • Proactive chat invitations: allows businesses to set up proactive chat invitations that trigger based on visitor behavior.


The platform is completely free to use. 

10. ProProfs – Ecommerce live chat for lead generation

ProProfs website

ProProfs Chat is a versatile live chat and messaging platform designed to boost customer communication.


  • Proactive chat invitations:

The platform allows businesses to send proactive chat invitations to website visitors based on their behavior. 

  • Pre-chat forms:

Before initiating a chat, ProProfs Chat can collect visitor information through pre-chat forms. These forms can ask for details like name, email, and the nature of the inquiry, which helps with qualifying leads.

  • Announcements:

Businesses can create announcements to inform visitors about new products, special offers, or upcoming events. These announcements can be displayed in a small window above the chat widget.


Plans start at $19.99/month.

11. Olark – Basic ecommerce live chat tool with extensive analytics

Olark website

Olark is an easy-to-use live chat platform designed to make customer interactions more efficient.


  • Detailed analytics and reporting:

The platform offers comprehensive analytics and reporting tools that provide real-time data on several live chat metrics.

  • Visitor insights and tracking:

Olark provides detailed insights into visitor behavior, including their location, browsing patterns, and chat history.

  • Searchable chat transcripts:

Olark saves chat transcripts in a searchable archive, making it easy for businesses to review past interactions, gather actionable insights, and improve future customer support​.


Plans start at $29/month. 

12. Freshworks 

Freshworks website

Freshchat is part of the broader Freshworks suite, which includes tools like Freshdesk for help desk solutions and Freshsales for CRM. This tight integration allows businesses to seamlessly manage customer interactions across various platforms, providing a unified customer experience. 


  • Multi-channel messaging:

Freshchat supports communication across various channels including web chat, mobile apps, social media platforms (like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger), and email.

  • Integration with CRM and other tools:

Freshchat integrates seamlessly with various CRM systems like Salesforce, help desk solutions like Freshdesk, and other tools such as Google Analytics. 


Plans start at $29/month.

What Are The Benefits of Ecommerce Live Chat Software?

The use of live chat software can be real a game-changer for any ecommerce business. Here are some of the benefits of implementing it:

Enables real-time customer interactions

The majority of consumers expect their issues to be resolved within a day. This is often difficult with more traditional methods of customer support such as email. 

Live chat enables instant communication with customers, significantly reducing the waiting time compared to other channels.

This immediacy helps address customer inquiries promptly, and can even prevent potential hesitations during the final stages of the customer journey.

Humanizes the online shopping experience

Ecommerce live chat support adds a personal touch to the online shopping experience, making it feel more interactive.

Customers appreciate real-time communication with human support agents.

In fact, 71% of consumers said they would be less likely to use a brand if it didn’t have human customer service representatives.

Live chat ensures quick resolutions while maintaining the human interaction that fosters a more personal and satisfying customer experience.

Reduces shopping cart abandonment

Live chat customer support can significantly reduce the rate of shopping cart abandonment – a problem most ecommerce businesses face.

When customers have last-minute questions or concerns about their purchase, immediate assistance through live chat can provide the reassurance they need to complete the transaction.

This helps reduce the likelihood of customers leaving their carts without making a purchase.

Pro Tip: Use proactive chat to set up automated messages with coupons, encouraging customers to return and complete their transactions.

Lets you offer proactive customer service

Live chat allows ecommerce businesses to offer proactive customer support by reaching out to visitors before they even ask for help.

A good live chat software enables you to track your ecommerce website or mobile app visitors in real-time, allowing you to follow their navigation patterns and proactively engage them at optimal moments.

Customers often hesitate to ask for help and linger on product pages. With proactive live chat, you can initiate conversations with these visitors, converting them into leads by addressing their unspoken questions and concerns. 

Pro Tip: Chatbots can further enhance this experience by analyzing customer data to suggest complementary products, much like Amazon’s “people also buy” feature. For example, recommending mobile accessories when a customer purchases a phone can increase the average order value. 

This proactive approach can enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty, as it shows that the business is attentive and ready to assist. 

Boosts sales efficiency

Live chat software significantly shortens the sales cycle, especially in high-engagement industries like fashion and apparel. Here’s how:

  • Product Recommendations: Chatbots are an integral part of most live chat tools today, and they can efficiently recommend products based on a shopper’s history.

Here is how Lego recommends products on its online store: 

LEGO chatbot making product recommendations

Image Source

  • Wishlist deals: Live chat agents can co-browse with customers to offer personalized deals on wishlist items, enhancing customer satisfaction and increasing the likelihood of purchase. Chatbots can also send follow-up emails with special offers on these items.
  • Co-browsing experience: Combining live chat with co-browsing and video chat mimics a brick-and-mortar shopping experience. This is especially effective for high-value items like luxury watches and jewelry, allowing agents to provide tailored recommendations and reduce the number of pages a customer visits before making a purchase.

Maximize Your Sales With Live Chat for Ecommerce

Incorporating live chat into your ecommerce strategy is a powerful way to enhance customer engagement, streamline the sales process, and boost overall satisfaction.

Although many platforms offer live chat for online stores, it is crucial to choose one that aligns with the specific needs of your business.

Social Intents offers a comprehensive live chat platform you can install in just a few minutes. With features like proactive messaging, AI-powered chatbots, and seamless integration with your existing tools, it is the perfect tool to help you transform your customer interactions and significantly boost your sales. 

Get started with our 14-day free trial today.

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